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Data Analytics

Data analysis solutions that combine expertise in fixed access networks with the advantages of Big Data and Machine Learning tools.

Network Assessment & Optimization

Optimize the Access Network
Quickly identify key areas that require urgent actions. For example, which customers are suffering the worst experience.

Reduce churn and optimize resources. Prioritize truck rolls and identify the key actions that generate impact in the customer experience.

Network Assessment DOCSIS

Analytics module for DOCSIS technology. Identifies nodes and clients requiring immediate attention and analyzes network stability. Analysis of the installed base of CPE and CMTS configuration.

Network Assessment xPON

Analytics module for xPON technology. Identifies clients requiring immediate attention and analyzes network stability. Complements the analysis of the installed base of CPE and OLT configuration. 

Home Network Assessment

Analytics module for the Home Network. Identifies homes that require actions to improve the Wi-Fi experience. Whether due to coverage issues, performance, or congestion.


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